How I keep up and learn

I am a kinetic learner though I am also a visual learner. I am mostly adopting different positions while I’m listening to things. From time to time or most of the time, I have something in my hand and move it around. For me to understand better I also need examples. When I see how things are done I can replicate the action and learn how to do it. Seeing things is a great way for me to learn. Though sometimes I understand lectures better when I’m not looking at the speaker because focusing on one point for a long period of time tires me.



One thought on “How I keep up and learn

  1. Wow…. This blog shows a lot of who you are.Me and you use the same learning skills but I think you use it better. A question I have for you is what do you do when there is a situation where you can not use that learning skill. What other learning skills would you use?Since we are kind of simalar you should check out my blog. It is

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